Selah~Day 182 “Believing vs. Surrendering”

It is a mistake to assume that just because you are a believer in God you have also surrendered yourself completely to Him. Believing and surrendering are two separate processes that are not linked up to work simultaneously together. If they were, then why would Paul write with great passion and urgency to the Romans that surrender is something they should do on a daily basis.  In Romans 12:1 Paul says, “I beseech you therefore, dear Brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Jesus too was offered unto God as a living sacrifice. Presenting a child to God or Offering a child to God or Surrendering a child to God was a big deal. In Luke 2:22, we learn that Mary and Joseph followed the process of steps required by the law of Moses when presenting Jesus to the Lord. After her purification process, they went to the temple to surrender Him to God. It was not an event taken lightly, but rather of utmost importance. Jesus’ surrender, both in the temple as a baby and on the cross as an adult, wasn’t a casual, haphazard, unplanned event, but rather, thought out, purposeful, and intentional. That is why Paul urges us in Romans to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God on a daily basis. When we present ourselves to Him, we are declaring that we completely surrender to His ways and His will. This act of surrender is a big deal. We should see it as such. We are committing our lives to God’s close care and allowing Him to do what He wills with it.

Paul very wisely uses the word “living” when he describes what kind of sacrifice to make. In the Old Testament, people presented dead sacrifices as an offering to God. Those were necessary at that time, but because the animal was dead they were a one time only sacrifice. As a living sacrifice, we can DAILY present or surrender ourselves over to the Lord. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to surrender your thoughts, your actions, your desires, your will, and your life over to Him.

My 27 Thanks:

1. Morning Devotions.

2. God speaks to us through His Word.

3. Daily, I can present myself as a living sacrifice to the Lord.

4. Submission is liberating.

5. The Apostle Paul.

6. The book of Romans.

7. Gary got Judah ready for school.

8. Gary picked out a matching outfit for Judah to wear. Hip Hip Hooray!

9. Gary and I enjoyed a working lunch together.

10. Gary is such an amazing help in Kids Ministry. And, he is my muscle. Together, we accomplish big tasks.

11. JaQuisha helped me pull out all “preschool” friendly candy so they can use it as prizes in the preschool department.

12. We had a great tech meeting concerning Christmas production that didn’t last as long as we thought.

13. Aaron Rowin had already completed a tech assignment before our meeting even started. This task saved so much time in our meeting. I love saving time!

14. Jameson, Dustin, and I enjoyed fun, light-hearted conversation.

15. My mother-in-law picked up Judah from school, so Gary could come to our Production tech meeting.

16. Gary ran to the store and picked up some of the necessary items. And, I don’t have to go.

17. I got to run home before church service and spend some time in the playroom with Judah.

18. Our church cafe serves food on Wednesday nights. So convenient.

19. The kids were energized tonight. I loved seeing all their smiling faces.

20. Even though we didn’t execute it as well as planned, the kids loved the game 4 corners.

21. We learn from our mistakes and improve.

22. I desire to constantly improve.

23. I am not satisfied with mediocre. In fact, that word…mediocre…is a cuss word in my book.

24. Gary made sure the KidMotion room was picked up and straightened before we left. It is so nice to show up the next day to a clean, straightened room.

25. We got to rehearse briefly with choir and orchestra. It is going to be a fun Christmas production.

26. Hard working volunteers.

27. Rest.

One thought on “Selah~Day 182 “Believing vs. Surrendering”

  1. Pingback: Surrendering of Our Will | roymartinministries

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