Selah~Day Seventy Nine

I love this experience. Writing this blog makes me aware of every moment of every day. And in those moments, I can always find a way to Bless the Lord.

My 28 Thanks:

1. The worship set in this morning’s staff chapel was so sweet.

2. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

3. I believe in Him with all my heart.

4. Bethel worship.

5. Rony delivered an awesome wrap up sermon to our book, Start.

6. People who are passionate about what they preach.

7. Believability.

8. People who pay it forward. Helped people, help people.

9. Rony was so excited to recieve his 15 seconds of twitter fame when Jon Acuff responded to his tweet. I love it when my friends are excited and celebrated.

10. My teammates work hard.

11. Brandon told Danielle and I that he reads our blogs everyday. I work for leaders who care about their teammates.

12. Two people told me that the blog on shame spoke to them.

13. More seats around the staff table have people sitting in them.

14. Fresh coats of paint.

15. Jen came over and measured all of my windows for custom curtains. I will have to pace myself. Fabric is expensive. So, I will be buying fabric for one window a paycheck. But, when it is done-it will be beautiful!

16. Hobby Lobby always gives a 40% off coupon on one item.

17. Judah laughed at everything tonight.

18. Family, funny car conversations.

19. We make up stories all the time.

20. I got to talk to my brother Jake today. I don’t get to see him often and our chat was nice.

21. Danielle is helping me gather young adult help for my Back 2 School Fuel service setup.

22. My friend, Debby, is having an awesome time at the Mary Kay Convention in Dallas.

23. My mom is feeling better. She has been really sick and she is never sick. Believing that she is totally well tomorrow.

24. Dance. It inspires me creatively. So You Think You Can Dance had an awesome, moving lyrical piece tonight.

25. Custard Ice Cream. A little goes a long way.

26. The facility team is always a great help on kids ministry events. They make my life easier.

27. I stopped and read the 10,000 Reasons wall at church today. Wow…the visual of 10,000 statements of praise to God moves me! I can only imagine what it does for Him. His word declares that He delights in the praises of His people.

28. My heart blesses the Lord.



Selah~Day Seventy Eight

Shame is a PAINFUL emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. Shame can easily lurk in the shadows of our hearts. Depending upon the act or acts we commit that cause us to be ashamed, this strong emotion can easily become a fixture in our lives that pops up like an univited pimple right before prom. It loves to periodically remind us how stupid we were, are, or could be in the future.

Tonight, I don’t write this blog with any divine revelation. I still have questions on this topic and I am searching for answers in the Word. After meditating on this topic all day, I have reached two conclusions:

1. Not all shame is bad. Shame is an emotion that convicts me and causes me to turn away from sin and back to God.

2. Shame, if not realized for what it is and dealt with, can make me feel useless for the work of the Lord. Therefore, I become a waste of perfectly good yearbook space in Heaven High.

I would be willing to make an astounding assumption that 100% of us have experienced the emotion of shame. Even at a young age, I am sure we can remember moments of embarrassment or dumb decisions that catapulted us into the arena of shame. While I type this, my mind is being flooded with moments of time in my life where I was ashamed. Whether is was my attitude, my behavior, or my involvement in a less than stellar activity, a strong sense of disgrace creeped, okay let’s be honest, came in like a FLOOD.

Honestly, I am thankful for the emotion of shame that causes me to change my attitude, my behavior, or my involvement. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 7:11, “Just see what this godly sorrow produced in you! Such earnestness, such concern to clear yourselves, such indignation, such alarm, such longing to see me, such zeal, and such a readiness to punish wrong. You showed that you have done everything necessary to make things right.” Godly sorrow should lead us all to repentance!

Then, once we have repented, we should LIVE FREE from Shame. Let’s be honest though, freedom from shame is a process or an emotion that we may need to defeat on a daily basis. As we walk out that process, the uninvited “outbreaks” will be fewer and farther between. Nevertheless, we can’t let even a shadow of shame from something that has already been placed under the blood of Jesus darken our faces.

He is the LIFTER OF OUR HEADS. We can remove the mask of shame and lift our heads in confidence that He has made all things new in our lives. And, instead of seeing our past as shameful, we can see it as a story that He can use to minister to others.

If shame becomes your state of being instead of a moment that leads to correction, you will never see purpose in your past mistakes. You will constantly hide in shame’s shadow. I truly believe that God never wastes a hurt. He never wastes a scar. And, He never misses an opportunity to take your “mess” and make it a “message.” So, look to Him for help and be radiant with Joy!

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

My 28 Thanks:

1. This is the day that the Lord has made.

2. I can be radiant with Joy.

3. God forgives me of my past, my present, and will forgive me in my future.

4. Grace.

5. His mercies are new everyday.

6. I don’t have to do anything to earn His forgiveness, His grace, and His mercy.

7. He is the Lifter of my Head.

8. I don’t have to hide in the shadow’s of shame.

9. Judah threw up several time through out the night. I hate when my baby is sick. But, Gary and I make an incredible team of nurses.

10. Judah felt so much better this morning.

11. Judah was so happy that I spent the morning at home with him.

12. I have a job that lets me work from home when situations out of my control come up.

13. I got a lot accomplished today.

14. Starla made me laugh several times today. She is a funny person.

15. Gary and Judah played in the rain.

16. I talked with my neighbor tonight. She told me that she saw Gary and Judah playing in the rain. She thought it was so sweet.

17. Coversations with Pastor Marcia and Dorothy are enlighting, fun, and refreshing.

18. There was a kick in my step today.

19. I have had a song in my heart all day.

20. Judah said some really funny things today that made both Gary and I laugh out loud.

21. Judah asked me to tell him a Bible story tonight.

22. I got to tell him the story of David and Goliath. I added some pretty cool sound effects.

23.  Dinner was amazing.

24. Gary and I have personally challenged ourselves to stop eating out so much. We have been saving so much money with this one simple adjustment.

25. Eating at home is healthier too.

26.I finished Jon Acuff’s book, Start, tonight.

27. Some friends left for a much needed vacation today. I am believing that it is a time of refreshment.

28. The Word of God.



Selah~Day Seventy Seven

Shame is a PAINFUL emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. Shame is a mask that comes in many different facades. But, whatever the mask, they all have the same purpose…to keep who you are hidden and afraid of what others might think of you if they see past the mask.  Scripture reads in Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

Tomorrow, when I am more alert, I am going to dissect this verse. Shame is a powerful tactic of the enemy, but my God is greater.

My 28 Thanks:

1. He is Faithful.

2. He is constant.

3. He is loving and true.

4. Shame doesn’t have to darken my face.

5. I can be radiant with joy.

6. Regardless of my past, I can be full of hope.

7. My family had a fun weekend together.

8. My family made is safely back home.

9. We got to church on time.

10. My team was ready to go this morning and full of life.

11. KidMotion was awesome.

12. Transitions were smooth.

13. The kids were sad that our summer series, Off the Rails, is over.

14. They LOVED the jumbo glasses that we gave away today.

15. I had awesome conversations with some new leaders and friends today.

16. We had a quiet afternoon lunch at home.

17. I got to take a short, 30 minute power nap.

18. Judah is growing so big, strong, and healthy. His 4t pants were hard to button this morning.

19. My friend, Danielle surprised me with a bath ball from Lush. I love baths!

20. I trained two new leaders for our training wheels team tonight.

21. Super excited to get to work with my new team mates!

22. I love Sunday afternoon Twitter feeds. It is so exciting to read posts from pastors all over the nation who celebrate the goodness of God and how His presence showed up at church.

23. Kids on the Move gives all of their songs away for free downloads.

24. Kidcrew had an awesome practice. I can’t wait to launch our new series song, Shine A Light.

25. The worship set was wonderful tonight.

26. Spontaneous conversations that open the doorway to directed, divine, and purposed relationships.

27. A beautiful woman shared her heart with me today and I am excited to become her friend.

28. God ordains our steps and orders our path.

Selah~Day Seventy Six

Judah is continually on the move. I once saw a saying above a kids bed which read, “Let him sleep, for when he wakes, he will move mountains.” How true those words are for most little boys. It is very true of my sweet Judah. His days consist of running, jumping, climbing, hiding, exploring, twirling, and repeat. Even when he sits on my lap, he is restless with activity. Often, I say, “Judah, be still. Judah, be still. Judah, be still.” I love the activity of my little boy. He makes our lives full of fun and adventure and laughter. However, if I want Judah to hear my voice, follow specific instruction, and change his course of action, I have to make him “be still” and know what I am saying. If I instruct him while he is running, jumping, twirling, climbing, etc…he doesn’t always compute what I am trying to tell him.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God!”

Wow~even God has to tell His children to be still and recognize His authority in their lives. If you read the full chapter of Psalm 46, God establishes His authority both in Heaven and on Earth. Multiple times in that chapter it is declared that God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. I like to read it like this:

1. Earthquakes come…Be still and know that I am God.

2. Mountains crumble…Be still and know that I am God.

3. Oceans roar…Be still and know that I am God.

4. Mountains tremble and waters surge…Be still and know that I am God.

5. Nations are in chaos…Be still and know that I am God.

6. Kingdoms crumble…Be still and know that I am God.

But, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us…Be still and know that I am God.

There is a lot of noise out there. Besides the obvious, TV, Radio, Video Games, Entertainment Venues, Other People, and the World’s Sound Bed, we also have noise inside our hearts. Worries, fears, anxieties, hurts, and confusion, are all sources of noise in our hearts. Whether it is noise on the outside or the inside, they both work together to make it difficult to hear and trust God.

We must turn off the noise and Be Still before the Lord. We must turn off the noise and recognize the Authority of the Lord, who shows up with all of Heaven’s Armies to fight on our behalves.

Be Still today and know that He is GOD!

My 28 Thanks:

1. I can be still and know that He is God!

2. My God is the Lord of ALL of heaven’s armies.

3. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is among us.

4. God is my refuge and my strength.

5. God dwells in a City that will NEVER be destroyed.

6. I don’t have to be afraid.

7. I can silence both outside and inside noise.

8. Silence.

9. Judah loves spending time with me.

10. He loves to sit on my lap when we are attempting rest.

11. Judah and I spent the entire day together.

12. Holly met us at Hobby Lobby and helped pick out my window fabric. She is so talented and helps make my life beautiful.

13. The weather was amazing.

14. We played outside a lot. I love having an awesome backyard for Judah to play.

15. My friend Debby and her kids came over for a visit and lunch. It was a nice, relaxing time.

16. It stopped the drizzle rain when I stopped to put gas in my car.

17. I can afford a full tank of gas. Wow, gas is so expensive.

18. Gary didn’t have to do any water rescue at the fire station.

19. My parents and my sister came for a weekend visit.

20. They brought my sweet little 2 year old nephew, Gatlin.

21. He is a doll. So sweet. He has had a great time at my house.

22. Judah and Gatlin play well together.

23. Judah dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. I love when he does imagination play. We took the costume off at 11:00 p.m.

24. Catching up with family.

25. Fun chats with my sister.

26. God doesn’t want me to be anyone else but me.

27. He created me wonderfully.

28. During a time of year when rain is supposed to be limited, we have had an abundance. I am thankful for rain. Rain both physical and spiritual.


Selah~Day Seventy Five


My 28 Thanks:

1. My husband gave me a kiss right when he got home from the fire station this morning.

2. We got to chat for a little bit before Judah woke up and before I had to leave for work.

3. There were a few items on my “to-do” list that I kept pushing to the “I’ll tackle that tomorrow pile.” But, I got them all done today.

4. The completion of tasks brings me great joy. I love to complete things.

5. The staff enjoyed the pizza party today.

6. The ladies served the men because they won the staff chapel game. The ladies were great sports about it.

7. I work with several people who make so much fun in my life.

8. Creative meeting was creative today and I had a lot to say.

9. The Fall season of ministry at Crossroads is going to be AWESOME!

10. Gary had a great day visiting with his sister. 

11. I don’t have any family drama. I feel sorry for people who do.

12. Gary went grocery shopping today, so we didn’t have to spend our evening at the store. 

13. The evening weather was pleasant.

14. I had a great conversation with my childhood friend Kristi today. I love that we can pick up were we left off and not even miss a beat.

15. My friend, Danielle, has so much excitement for kids ministry that she recruited TWO new leaders for our kidmin team tonight.

16. Positive, exciting attitudes.

17. A friend told me some news today. She is walking out the purpose God has for her. I am excited for her.

18. Everyone has been given a dream, a purpose.

19. Even though we don’t live close, I talk to my mom everyday. It is always good to hear her voice.

20. Gary does everything with excellence. I love his attention to detail and his care for us.

21. I can grow spiritually. 

22. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know. 

23. I am a learner.

24. I love to lead and I love to be led. 

25. Gary made dinner tonight and it was so good.

26. My honey shares all of the household chores, especially when he is home from the station.

27. Judah fell asleep in my arms tonight. 

28. I am so thankful for music. It inspires, it encourages, it comforts, it ministers, it excites, and it stirs the emotions! I heard some amazing music today. 

Selah~Day Seventy-Four

So much has been on my mind lately, but this has been a busy and productive week. Unfortunately, I have had little time to write and think. Looking forward to some down time this weekend to record some thoughts. Regardless of what our days and nights consist of, there is always time to bless the Lord.

My 28 Thanks:

1. I am a child of God.

2. I was born to bring Glory to God.

3. Judah got lots of rest today.

4. The day began with a morning thunderstorm.

5. The rain watered my lawn for free.

6. The Lord gave me a scripture to share with someone today.

7. I am a joint heir with Jesus.

8. I am royalty too.

9. I am in the middle of making plans with my family this weekend.

10. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. Simple, good, and somewhat healthy.

11. Fun lunch conversation with Charlie and Danielle today.

12.13 years ago, Genesis Turner was born. She is such a sweet, quiet young lady who loves kids and loves Jesus.

13. The cafe provides great dinners on Wednesday night.

14. The food is affordable and the company is great.

15. I got to visit with a few people in the cafe before church started tonight.

16. Tonight, ministry was so peaceful and relaxing.

17. The BOYS loved, loved, loved the game we played tonight. The played it with great intensity. The girls were so much calmer.

18. The boys erupted with excitement when it was announced that they won 5-4. I love how excited kids get when they are at kids church.

19. I get to have fun in church.

20. I had a spontaneous illustration tonight while talking. Props to the Holy Spirit.

21. Shea and Danielle hosted the game time together. They had so much fun and looked super comfortable as a team. The kids love their energy.

22. Chick Flick Movies. I am a sucker for Romantic Comedies!

23. Madilyn and Paisley are spending the night tonight. I love hanging with these girls. I can’t believe they are teenagers!

24. Gary sends me sweet texts when he is working at the fire station.

25. I had 12 leaders gone tonight in Kids Church. Usually, this would be hazardous. But,  ministry went smoothly tonight and we all had a good time.

26. God always gives you exactly what you need!

27. I am so thankful for the awesome sound/tech team in Kids Ministry. When they are absent, you can really tell a difference in the quality of the sound. They are so valuable to our team and I am thankful they will be back on Sunday!

28. I get to do life with some of the most fascinating, kind, talented, compassionate, hard working, God seeking people on planet earth.


Selah~Day Seventy Three

I am in the middle of Jon Acuff’s book, Start. It is a great read. Acuff is a fun, intelligent, and easy to read writer. I don’t care who you are, you should at least check it out. I had the priveledge to teach Ch. 6 of the book today in Staff Chapel. The main premise of the book is Mastering your Awesome. There are many great tasks to accomplish while at the “mastering stop sign” on the path to awesome. But, the end of the chapter encourages us to not only hustle, but also rest. Acuff states, ” You don’t want to burn out your dream while trying to build your dream.” He also painted a really cool illustration and I want to share it tonight.

Everyone needs a Central Park in their life. New York City mostly consists of high rise buildings, apartments, crowded streets, taxis, reckless driving, big billboards, news media, and lots of people. But, in the middle of all the mayhem of New York City lies Central Park. Amongst the hustle and bustle of city life, a beautiful, serene, peaceful park exists. Your life should have the same balance. Yes, there can be hustle and bustle in your life, but everyone needs to have a Central Park to escape to and rest.

My 28 Thanks:

1. Today had a lot of fun elements in it.

2. I have fun at work.

3. Staff Chapel was fun and I was relaxed while teaching.

4. My team mates participated in my “kid like” game and had fun doing it.

5. We had great discussion over an even greater book, Start.

6. People who are usually quiet shared their voices today! I love hearing the opinions of others.

7. We had a very progressive, life-giving staff meeting. The conversation filled “my tank.”

8. Pastor Ted sent a “Good Job in Staff Chapel” tweet shout out to me.

9. Zach helped me setup my teaching props and was a really big help.

10. Gary brought me Qdoba for lunch.

11. Judah got donuts for breakfast. He loves those sugary round things!

12. I had great conversation with Starla today.

13. Starla is excited about the future.

14. Starla and Sam live close to the church now and this has been such a huge help to their schedule.

15. I learned a lot about the demographics of our church culture, as well as the greater OKC area. I love learning.

16. I got to sit next to Sam Walker in staff meeting. He will be a great addition to our team.

17. Dinner was easy and delicious tonight.

18. I heard some great quotes today that really impacted me life. Some shared were: “My mom said that only a fool experiences everything.” And, “The proof of desire is in the pursuit.”

19. Moms and Dads who invest important truths in the lives of their children.

20. Friendly competition.

21. Rest is my friend.

22. Balance in my life.

23. I have a dream.

24. That line always makes me think of Dr. Martin Luther King. I am thankful for him:)

25. My mind processes a lot of thoughts each day.

26. Some battles are not meant for us to fight. God sometimes wants us only to be still and allow Him to fight for us.

27. God always speak, we just need to learn to listen.

28. Judah just told me, “Mommy, I want you.” With that…I am signing off!

Selah~Day Seventy Two

I was working my evening, summer shift at the Fronteir General Store at Broken Bow Lake that August night when I heard the news that Princess Diana was killed in a car crash. Immediately, I was struck with an overwhelming sadness at the loss of a Princess, the loss of a young mom, the loss of a humanitarian, the loss of a sister, a friend, and a public figure of compassion, hope, and love.

Personally, I was a big fan of the Princess. To me, she had a smile that could warm the coldest of hearts. I didn’t follow the royal family or read the tabloids. But, I always had a special liking for them. And, I felt sorry for the constant eye that lurked upon their every move. I remember thinking as a teenager how tough it must be for Prince William and Prince Harry to constantly be in the spotlight, their every move recorded or photographed or commented on.

So, the day after Princess Diana died, I wrote Prince William a letter. It was a short letter that expressed my sympathies. I never mailed the letter, of course. But, I did keep it for a while. I actually found it a couple of years ago when packing up some of my stuff to make a big move.

Now Today, I was so excited to hear that Prince William and Kate had a healthy baby boy. It may seem impossible, but their life just became even more adventurous. I won’t be writing any letters or sending any baby gifts. But, through this blog, I wish a big Congrats!


My 28 Thanks:

1. People who are powerful and use their power to do good.

2. Family.

3. Privacy.

4. I woke up early this morning and had time to snuggle with Judah before leaving for work. We have a special word to describe our hug.snuggle time…we call it HUGGLETIME!

5. Judah got to spend time playing with his cousins today.

6. Flexibility in my schedule.

7. I did so much before I left for vacation in order to be ahead of the game that I had VERY little to catch up on today.

8. I enjoy Mondays.

9. Brandon agreed with me today. Most of the time, I am always right:)

10. I had lunch with Danielle.

11. We had great lunch conversation.

12. I was able to give Danielle a book that I read 4 years ago. I love being able to share books with others.

13. My friend, Janelle, sent me a really sweet, hand written card. I still get so excited when I recieve hand written cards.

14. Words people use to encourage others.

15. Gary got to eat at IHOP for breakfast this morning. He loves IHOP and pancakes.

16. My friend Debby always pursues friendship. She never fails to encourage, contact, and show love.

17. Wanted to do something different in my teaching approach for tomorrow’s staff chapel. I think we are going to have fun with my idea.

18. Once you read something, you are responsible for the application of the information. I love to apply information.

19. My talented sister offered to give Judah swimming lessons this weekend. My sister is a jack of all trades…beauty queen, dancer, swim coach, dog lover, country bumpkin…

20. My mother-in-law lets the kids destroy her home because they are building forts, playing in boxes, and getting out all kinds of games. Her home is a fun house.

21. She invited me to dinner tonight and it was yummy and healthy.

22. My talented decorator, Holly, liked what I did in my home.

23. Hung out with two of my favorite young people tonight. Kaden and Peyton kept me company.

24. My sweet nephew, Kaden, is keeping me and Judah company tonight. He is such a great kids.

25. Coconut Banana Popsicles.

26. People you can share your heart with and trust them with the contents.

27. My mom sent me the sweetest of text messages. She is my biggest fan.

28. Honest Conversation.


Selah~Day Seventy One

Today was a great day.

My 28 Thanks:

1. I took a walk this morning before getting ready for church. I was able to clear my mind and focus my thoughts for the day.

2. Early mornings are lovely, peaceful, and a breath of fresh air.

3. There is something really special about mornings. Everything smiles when it wakes from rest!

4. I felt relaxed today.

5. I was relaxed on stage today and it was noticeable. Several people commented. (I must be uptight most of the time! Ha Ha Ha!)

6. I enjoyed conversations with several kids today. They make me smile.

7. Two kids made me cards thanking me for being their pastor during the summer time. They had to go back the their real home in the Carolinas and were so sad to leave Kidz Ministry at Crossroads. Their cards touched my heart BIG TIME.

8. Pastor Marcia and Dorothy are having a great, restful vacation.

9. I get to worship Jesus with kids on a weekly basis.

10. Judah had a blast in Training Wheels this morning. He LOVES his orange flashlight. He is still holding it tonight.

11. Great lunch today with Great Friends.

12. I had the opportunity to encourage some people today.

13. The kids loved the small group activity. Yes, it involved candy, but they loved the game too.

14. Teaching kids always teaches me something about myself.

15. I had the priveledge of baptizing two precious kids tonight. I am proud of Bryson and Camden.

16. I got to be the first one in the baptism pool. (This is important people! Especially during times when there are 20+ people being baptized.)

17. I succumbed to the peer pressure and made a grand entrance into the baptism pool. Yes, I cannon ball jumped. I hit the bottom of that 4 ft. pool quickly!

18. I had lots of fun today visiting with different people.

19. My friend Holly and her kiddos are safe after having a wreck today.

20. I got to stop by a women’s Bible study for 10 minutes and see some really awesome ladies. I don’t always get to enjoy adult, female conversations. So, when I have them, I love them.

21. Gary is my number 1 helpmate in ministry. He has such a servant’s heart.

22. We reviewed the last 7 weeks of our summer series, Off the Rails, today. I was AMAZED at the memory of our kids. They were remembering details of our services and I couldn’t believe it. They have loved this series.

23. It was a great night for an outdoor service.

24. Free Ice Cream.

25. Tons of people commented on my haircut today. They all loved it. I had no idea cutting bangs would cause such a drastic change to my hair.

26. I received several spontaneous words of encouragement today from random people that I barely know.

27. God works in mysterious ways.

28. I took a detailed personality test about two weeks ago. Today, I spent some time studying the results more. I am an SI in the DISC test. So, the word that describes me in their formula is Advisor/Counselor. That’s who I am. So So thankful for this test. Before I took it, I had no idea who I was..(just being funny…I actually love tests like this)…God creates us all fearfully and wonderfully made!

Selah~Day Seventy

My 28 Thanks:

1. While Judah was giving me kisses, I asked him a question. “Judah, why are you giving me so many kisses?” He replied, “because Mommy, I know that I love you!” He makes my heart smile.

2. We had a great quick trip to Tulsa.

3. Safe Travels.

4. Valerie’s wedding was beautiful and so sweet.

5. Covenant marriage.

6. Vows.

7. Valerie’s husband loves Jesus too. He seems really sweet.

8. We saw some friends at the wedding that we haven’t seen in a long time.

9. Judah was so good at the wedding. He loved the fans that Valerie and Justin set at each table. We left with 5 fans. None of them are working now.

10. Gary and I held hands on our drive.

11. I read my book, Start, outloud so Gary could hear it too. He really enjoyed the read.

12. Pg. 117 of Start.

13. Pg. 124 of Start.

14. Our reading material started big conversation. I love sharing my heart with my husband and hearing his heart as well.

15. My husband is so sweet and caring. God spent a little more time on him.

16. The sound of my husband and Judah playing in the play room.

17. Judah loves to play wrestle. Glad that he prefers Gary as the counterpart. For a three year old, he packs a strong head lock.

18. My mom made it home safely.

19. In the Gospels, Jesus tells about watching a woman who had very little give it all in the offering.

20. People who give their all.

21. I got several compliments on my hair today.

22. Judah sang “My Best Friend, Jesus” to us in the car ride home.

23. Clean bathrooms at gas stations.

24. My vacation ends tonight. What a great week of rest.

25. I live close to an amazing grocery store. Milk runs are super fast and easy.

26. Humor.

27. Spontaneous laughter.

28. Making plans that think outside the box.