Selah~Day 167

My 27 Thanks:

1. Amy Hoover celebrates her 40th birthday today. I love this woman. She has been right by my side and in my ear during some of the darkest of days that I have walked through. Her words of wisdom and encouragement have been true life lines in my life. I treasure her friendship and value her heart. Today, I celebrate her life.

2. Amy makes it a point to impact the lives of all those around her.

3. Amy has a gentle spirit. She makes me feel at peace.

4. Amy makes everyone feel included, special, and apart.

5. Amy has a way of brightening up the place.

6. Gary picked up all my fall festival pumpkins. He found them at a really good price. Last year, we wanted until the night before to get a good price on large pumpkins and we had to drive to multiple stores. This year, we got a good price and went to one store.

7. The fall festival is ready to go. Now, I just need the weather to cooperate.

8. Starla got a wonderful nights rest after a very long, tiring Sunday. I love hearing about my team resting after big ministry days. Rest is so important.

9. Gary and I enjoyed Qdoba $1 tacos today. It was really nice having a quiet lunch together.

10. My friend Debby sent me a really sweet text. Her words always make my heart smile.

11. Lorry Gail stopped by my office today and we had a nice chat. She has a passionate heart and such a beautiful heart for kids. She especially wants to minister to babies in Romania.

12. A pray was answered today and it is going to be so good.

13. God answers prays. He works in a realm of impossibilities.

14. Great things are WORTH THE WAIT!!!!

15. I made a great dinner while Gary worked on the yard.

16. Gary got several loads of great top soil dirt from our neighbors still under construction yard. I can’t believe they just haul off all that perfectly good dirt. So, our builder gave it to us.

17. We will be able to use the dirt to level out our rolling hills backyard.

18. It was FREE.

19. Judah loved helping his dad work in the dirt. He brought in half the pile too, I think.

20.  It felt really good and somewhat old-fashioned for my husband to come inside filthy dirty, wash up, and eat the meal I had laid out for him.

21. I have an amazing kitchen and I designed it myself. Well, I found the design on pinterest. But, it is totally my taste!

22. Gary always helps clean the kitchen.

23. Judah picked up the Moustrap game without being asked. He likes to keep things clean like his mommy and daddy.

24. My family laughs all the time.

25. We always have a great time when we are together.

26. Judah and I laid in bed and played a new game: “Name Your Favorite.” I asked Judah a series of questions and he told me his favorite. His answers made me laugh. For example, “Where is your favorite place to eat?” His response, “My House.”

27. I see relief in my future.

Selah~Day 166

I want to sing You a love song. You are the thief of my heart. Rhythm and Rhyme try to describe it. No matter how hard I try I can’t fight it. No, I can’t fight it. 

Faithful, You are Faithful. I have found nothing but good in your heart.

Loving, You are Loving. I am in love with the way that you are.

Thankful, I am Thankful. I have been running away on my own.

But, then you found me. And, Oh how you loved me. I know you’ll never leave me alone.

I want to sing You a love song. You are the Love of my life. Rhythm and Rhyme try to explain it. No matter how hard I try I can’t contain it. I can’t contain it. 

Faithful, You are Faithful…

The words to this song, Faithful, by Enter the Worship Circle, were sung at my wedding. They are sweet words for the Lover of my soul-Jesus. Tonight, I share them with you.

My 27 Thanks:

1. He is loving.

2. He is faithful.

3. He found me.

4. He will never leave me alone.

5. I am thankful.

6. Our prop for my KidMotion sermon made it to church safely and in one piece.

7. Gary is off on Sundays NOW!!!!! Hip Hip Hooray. He helped me carry in all my props.

8. The sound system in KidMotion was messed up, but Jameson came to the rescue. He had it fixed in no time. I am so thankful that the Big Church team helps out the “little church” team. We are all ONE team.

9. The pre-service game went over really well in KidMotion. I loved the new service layout.

10. 90% of our Kidmotion kids went to the bathroom during “Potty Time.” We had very few leave during the service to go to the restroom. That, my friends, is huge! They went because of the changes we made to our pre-service lineup. I might just be smarter than a 5th grader.

11. Strategy. Change. Thinking outside the box. Success!

12. Meagan, a 5th grader who just moved here from Virginia, came up to me excited on Sunday. She couldn’t wait to share the Sweet Life power verse with me. She got it right…word for word!

13. My kidmin team rocks. They are so faithful to the call that God has put on their life.

14. We had a tech heavy KidMotion service this week. Jeremy nailed every cue.

15. The kids loved the object lesson. Gary and I made a HUGE dinosaur out of play-doh. It took many hours, but it was worth it. I wanted to illustrate that if we allow our lives to be used by God, to be molded and shaped by God, then He can turn us into someone amazing.

16. Many kids responded to the altar time for prayer. We have a great group of kids who want to Obey right away.

17. The new preschool praise party room solved our biggest problem. My team was thrilled to not have to haul 75 preschoolers down the hallway for the preschool service. We love the new room.

18. All 3 dances for the Christmas production are choreographed and learned. The girls have worked so hard and learned every dance in record time. Now, we just have to work on cleanup.

19. We laughed much in practice and have a great time together.

20. New faces have joined the team of dancers. Some are really stepping out of their comfort zone. I am so proud of them.

21. The Event Center grand opening was awesome. Over 500 people came out for the great occasion. They loved the new space. I enjoyed listening to the hundreds of comments that went a little something like this, “Wow, this is beautiful.” “I can’t believe how big it is.” This is going to be an amazing space.”

22. The flood destruction is officially GONE. It has been replaced with BEAUTY. (P.S. My old office is now the location of the new men’s restroom. I am not going to read into that one…ha ha ha).

23. Gary got several compliments on his new style of dress. It made him more confident in my fashion choices for him. He looked so handsome.

24. I received some of the sweetest cards and gifts from precious people thanking me for serving kids. Their words of kindness and encouragement are so special to my heart.

25. Even though it was an incredibly long, scheduled day, we got to eat with my sister Haley during our lunch break. We met at Pei Wei and had a delicious meal on the patio! It was great seeing her.

26. Arizona joined us for lunch. She is a precious young lady who loves Jesus and loves people. I love her sweet heart.

27. Gary rubbed my feet with peppermint oil. My feet were so sore from standing all day, so the rub was so appreciated! Truly, the way to my heart is through my feet. Ha Ha Ha!~


Selah~Day 165

My 27 Thanks:

1. We slept in…yes, 8:00 is sleeping in for the Hendricksons.

2. The rain held off, so we got to take our scheduled Christmas mini pictures with Mrs. Katie.

3. Even though HE DID NOT SMILE at all for pictures, we still got Judah Orange Leaf as a treat for dressing up in a shirt and sweater vest. However, next time I am adding shoes to the list of “must wear for pictures” before you get Orange Leaf.

4. God protects us when we drive. Today, I felt stressed in the car. I hate road construction areas when a semi truck is driving beside me.

5. The facility team has been working so hard on the Event Center. I am so glad that they got to spend today with their families and rest.

6. Judah told me that he is not a small kid or a big kid…”Mommy, I am a medium sized kid.” Where does he get these comments.

7. Judah brings me so much joy.

8. I am not a single parent. I can’t imagine raising a child by myself. It is tough work. I have great respect and sympathy for those who have to parent alone.

9. God is speaking some great truths to my friend’s life. As Laura remains faithful to this 10k blog journey, her life will be transformed. Thankfulness changes you.

10. We spent all afternoon and evening at our home. What a wonderful, relaxing day.

11. The Mondragons are doing well and are in great spirits. They are going to be just fine.

12. We had a spontaneous snow ball fight with play-doh in the kitchen today.

13. My superstar friend, Debby Torres, is filling in for Miss Cherryl tomorrow in the 4s class. Debby is so faithful to serve all the time. And, I didn’t even ask. She saw the need and volunteered.

14. Judah sat in my lap and we watched the Halloween Team Umizoomi special. We love watching that show together. We learn so much about numbers and patterns.

15. Gary and I spent most of the afternoon and early evening creating a really cool prop for my sermon tomorrow in KidMotion. The kids will probably go home and talk about it. It is really cool. I will talk more about it tomorrow. I don’t want to spoil the element of surprise.

16. Kids are so much cooler than adults. They get excited about everything.

17. Family game of hide-and-go-seek always brings great fun and great laughter.

18. Judah finds amazing hiding spots, but always tells us where he is hiding. I love it.

19. We did pretend play too. I was the Big Bad Wolf and Judah and Gary were the “two little pigs.” Judah thought that it was so funny when I blew down the house.

20. Gary gave Judah his bath tonight so I could have some peace and quiet to write this blog.

21. Tonight, I heard Gary playing and singing the song that we played at our wedding almost 9 years ago. I still love that song…it was a song called, Faithful. It was written and performed by Enter the Worship Circle.

22. OU won the football game, so Sooner fans will be happy tomorrow for church.

23. Judah told me tonight that he was afraid of scary eyes when it is dark. I told him that he didn’t have to be afraid of anything because Jesus is always with us. To that, he said, “But, Momy, Jesus doesn’t live in my house.” Yes, a wonderful, sweet discussion followed and we ended the conversation with the song, “My Best Friend, Jesus.” We sing it all the time and it goes like this:

He’s always with me and I’m so happy…I love my friend, Jesus.

I love my friend, Jesus. I love my friend, Jesus. I love my friend, Jesus.

Our preschool department is going to sing that song for the whole church in the December 22 AM church service.

24. He is always with me.

25. Jesus is my best friend.

26. I don’t have to be afraid.

27. I am not only a friend of God, but I am a Child of God.

Selah~Day 164

Friday, October 25

My 27 Thanks:

1. This weekend is what I like to call “Gary’s platinum 4-day.” We get very few back to back days off over a weekend. So, we treasure them.

2. When Gary got home from the fire station, he told me about a tragic call they responded to the day before. A man lost his life in a tragic accident. I won’t go into details here, but his life was taken from him in a moment. I am sure he woke up that day and headed to work and never even thought that it would be his last day. Life is SO PRECIOUS. Life is SO FRAGILE. I value every moment of every day of my life.

3. Gary is not desensitized by his job. Even though he sees tragedy on a weekly basis (usually), he still feels.

4. Went up to the church together as a family to help out with the final touches on the Event Center.

5. Judah and Asher helped me in the Resource Center. They LOVED spraying the pledge bottle and wiping the dust. I had a lot of fun with them.

6. Asher taught me some really interesting facts about animals. I am sure I learned them long ago in the 5th grade (no one is smarter than a 5th grader). But, I didn’t use the information, so I lost it. Did you know that a flamingo is pink because of the food it eats? I know….I could have googled it, but I didn’t know that off the top of my head. I do now…Asher taught me.

7. The Event Center is BEAUTIFUL. It is the final piece to be restored from the flood damage 2.5 years ago.

8. We had to work quickly as a team to complete some tasks before inspection. I felt like I was on one of those design shows. At one point, I think I was sprinting with the vaccuum.

9. Our facilities team is AMAZING. They have worked countless hours this week making it all come together.

10. I only had an hour at the Outlet Mall to find outfits for Gary and Judah for our Christmas Card pics. I DID IT…I got them both great outfits and was out in an hour.

11. Judah just had to take the train that we made the day before into the Outlet Mall. Of course, he left it in a store. He realized he didn’t have his train when we pulled out of the parking lot. Because of the giant alligator tears, we went back. Thankfully, Gary found it in the first store he went back to check. All is well in Judah’s world now.

12. Gary actually purchased clothes…and not a t-shirt…he purchased a SWEATER and a shirt to wear underneath it. I am so proud that he is going to wear layers!!!!

13. I finally got Judah some other shoes that he will wear besides his light up car shoes.

14. We celebrated my dear friend, Amy Hoover, today.

15. She was completely surprised by the party. I loved seeing her sweet smile when she realized what her husband and mom had successfully pulled off.

16. Amy has made such a lovely difference in the lives of so many. Many of those lives were at her party and sang her praises. I loved seeing her blessed.

17. We got to sit with the Mondragons at the party and visit with them. We know them and see them weekly, but we never get to chit-chat.

18. During our visit, the Mondragons got a call that their home had caught on fire. THANKFULLY, their seven children and grandma made it out of the house safely.

19. The firefighters got the fire out rather quickly and the fire was mostly contained in the garage.

20. Even though they lost a lot in the event, Ananda…my sweet little friend who made me the card for Pastor Appreciation…was mostly upset because she lost her first tooth that day and now the tooth fairy wouldn’t be able to visit the tooth since it was missing. I love the innocence of children.

21. The church immediately responded to the Mondragons needs.

22. The local church is the HOPE of the world. I am so glad I am a part of a church community. We need each other.

23. Cyndyl, the oldest Mondragon, and I had a great late night shopping trip at Wal-Mart. We laughed a lot.

24. As a teenager, my dad always said, “Kara, nothing good ever happens after 10:00 at night. I want you home by then.” My dad was right. Weird people come out late at night…ha ha ha. Cyndyl and I saw some interesting “Wal-MArt people.” Thankful for my parents care and concern over me as a teenager.

25. What an honor it is to minister to the needs of others.

26. God makes beauty from the ashes.

27. Protection and Provision.

Selah~Day 163

Thursday, October 24

My 27 Thanks:

1. I live super close to my in-laws and I love that fact.

2. I love my “new side” of town.

3. There are NO train tracks in my path that can slow down my day. I don’t miss the 4th street train at all. It may seem petty, but I was stalled at it ALL the time.

4. I got much accomplished in a 20 minute time frame and it helped me focus in our meeting.

5. Pastor Marc shared his Mary Monologue piece in Creative Meeting-it was awesome. Christmas at Crossroads is going to be good!!!!

6. Free Lunch Leftovers are quick and cheap! I am so glad I got to partake.

7. I was able to run a couple of errands during my lunch break today. It really helped lighten my evening schedule load.

8. There were many volunteers at church today helping with the event center. I love seeing people share their expertise or business experience to further the work of God. Their efforts are making it possible to meet our completion goal.

9. Lacey continues to do well and is getting to go home from the hospital earlier than expected.

10. My neighbor’s heart rate dropped quickly and she collapsed. But, it looks like she is going to be okay.

11. The first responders were so kind and gentle with her. I personally love first responders. Paramedics on the fire department are amazing!

12. Details.

13. Abby Darrah is graduating soon with her degree in Education.

14. Abby is open to what God has for her. I am so proud of her.

15. Higher Education.

16. My sweet mother-in-law kept Judah for 2 extra hours so I could conduct a late meeting.

17. When I picked Judah up, my in-laws had dinner waiting for me. I am so blessed by them all the time.

18. Judah didn’t want to leave. He loves playing over at his mom-moms house with his cousins.

19. Judah and I came home and finished our craft project–we made our very own choo-choo train. We had so much fun with that $3 project.

20. With Judah’s great help, I put the whole project together with no needed help from Gary. Yep, I can work with wood, glue, and paint without making too big of a mess.

21. Judah and I snuggled in bed together and watched “The Little Engine Who Could”–we had trains on our minds that evening.

22. Judah has a very sensitive heart and he recognizes good and evil.

23. Judah hates madness, anger, and evil. He prefers happiness, joy, and good. We promote those good things in our home too and don’t allow anything that represents darkness into our home.

24. We had a great, peaceful, relaxing night.

25. Zephaniah 3:17…”The Lord my God is living among me…”

26. Zephaniah 3:17…” He will take delight in me with gladness…”

27. Zephaniah 3:17…” With His love, He will calm ALL of my fears!”


Selah~Day 162

Wednesday, October 23

My 27 Thanks:

1. I got to take Judah to school today. I love holding his hand as we walk into the building.

2. I found out today that I am off work on the day of Judah’s school Christmas musical.

3. I get to help with the “games” portion of Judah’s fall festival at school.

4. Today was open enrollment for the Fire Departments health insurance. Once again, I am so thankful for great medical/dental insurance.

5. Gary helped me shop for Fall Festival items.

6. Today, marks the two year anniversary of my friend’s deliverance from an eating disorder. I am so glad that we can celebrate her and her freedom.

7. I got to have lunch with my friend, Debby, at McAlisters. We always have  a great time.

8. October is Pastor Appreciation month. Today, I was blessed with two really sweet cards.

9. One card was from my sweet little friend, Ananda. She always greets me with a smile and hug. Today, she also gave me a special card that she made.

10. The weather is wonderful for the Ranger Kid pumpkin patch, It is an awesome event.

11. Aaron taught me how to drag sound effects into sound board. I love learning new things and being self-sufficient.

12. I am becoming more and more tech savvy.

13. Progress.

14. We had dinner tonight in the cafe. I love that option.

15. Mr. Jerold joined us for dinner. He is such a wise man, full of the Word. And, Judah loves him. He brings a strawberry sprinkled donut for Judah every Sunday morning.

16. The Holy Spirit reminded me of a small group lesson I had put together 2 years ago for Obedience. It fits perfect for this week’s small group needs.

17. The boys had an absolute blast at the Ranger Kids Pumpkin Patch and they looked so cute in their bandanas and cowboy hats.

18. I love opportunities for kids to experience good, old fashioned fun OUTSIDE.

19. We played our memory verse mania game in opening ceremony. I love watching kids get excited about the Word of God.

20. We were blessed with an Outback giftcard tonight by some sweet friends.

21. I have an awesome group of Ranger and Girls Ministry leaders.

22. The Friends class and the 5th grade Stars class teamed up for Movie and Snack night. We watched One Night with the King.

23. A friend found out today that several masses discovered in her breasts where no longer there. They couldn’t find anything.

24. God’s Word doesn’t return void.

25. His promises come to past. They are forever and they never change.

26. My friend, Lacey’s, surgery went so well. She is doing great.

27. He is Faithful.


Selah~Day 161

My 27 Thanks:

1. Judah got to spend the day at his mom-moms house. His cousins, Ethan and Evan, were there too.

2. Judah has amazing, involved grandparents from both sides of the family.

3. Mom Mom took the boys exploring in the woods.

4. Judah is getting to enjoy this amazing weather and play outside.

5. Outdoor play, exploration, and nature, stimulate brain activity and cause you to learn when you don’t even realize it. Scholastic magazine had a recent article on it. I am all about learning!

6. I had a brief meeting with a parent today. This dad cares about every detail of his child’s life. So thankful for parents who care.

7. I am so thankful for parents who realize that their child’s education is just as much their responsibility as it is the teachers.

8. Together you can ALWAYS accomplish more.

9. Staff meeting was short and sweet.

10. My team is a great help in the success of the Fall Festival. I sure do appreciate all their support.

11. Pastor gave me a big shout out and a thank you in staff meeting today for my work on the Generations video. He always looks for ways to compliment his team.

12. The event center is overwhelmed with people trying to tie up loose ends for Sunday’s grand opening. It is going to be amazing!

13. Our Executive Pastor, Brandon, truly lives an Ephesians 3:20 mentality. Sometimes I think he is slightly crazy…but, then I realize he believes in our God who make all things possible.

14. Ephesians 3:20…now, that is a great life verse.

15. Pastor Marc finished the script for one of Pastor’s Christmas messages.

16. Save the Dates. Because my husband’s schedule is odd and difficult, I love to know things well in advance so we can plan accordingly and he can participate in activities with me.

17. Lynn Steele planned our Chrismtas party well in advance. And, due to her early planning, Gary is able to get off work and go with me.

18. I spent a solid hour working out some production details.

19. My friend, Michelle, surprised me with a nice lunch. We were sharing teaching/kid stories and lost track of time. I am so proud of Michelle. She is a “glass is half full” kind of person.

20. My family is coming to my house for Thanksgiving. This might be the first time in a LONG time that we won’t have to travel.

21. My mom stood up for herself in a particular situation. We had a nice laugh over the whole situation though.

22. Judah had such a fun day…he fell asleep tonight at 7:30. He plays so hard.

23. I enjoyed a nice conversation with Kayla today. I look forward to getting to know her better.

24. Psalm 91…I think the Psalmist wrote that chapter alone with me in mind. I love to insert Gary, Judah, and My name into the lines. It reads as such a powerful prayer of protection, provision, and promise over your life.

25. The Word of God is meant to be the Spoken Word of God. I can use it as my weapon.

26. Laura cooked dinner tonight. So, when I went over to pick up Judah…dinner was served. I didn’t have to cook or clean the kitchen tonight.

27. Today, my sister-in-law, Meghan, celebrates her 30th birthday. I am thankful that God brought her into my brothers life. Together, they have an awesome chiropractic office, two beautiful boys, a fun and adventurous home, and an amazing future.

Selah~Day 160

My 27 Thanks:

1. Judah had a very restless night, but when he woke this morning he seemed great.

2. Everything appears to be better in the morning.

3. We ended up not having to take Judah to the doctor. He seemed so much better this morning.

4. Dr. Rogers is an exceptional doctor. We love him as our family doctor.

5. The preschool praise party room will be open this coming Sunday. It will be such a great new addition to our preschool department.

6. The new praise party room is bigger and requires less travel for our preschoolers.

7. John Stimson has worked really hard to make the room happen for us.

8. My friend, Laura, completed her first week of her 10k reasons journey. It is going to change her life.

9. Being thankful changes your life.

10. Gary and I joked back and forth with each other all day. Smack talk is healthy for a marriage…ha ha ha.

11. Gary is into details. He constantly wants to improve and finds quality in details.

12. Bo, a fellow fire-fighter and friend, loaned Gary a special tool to finish our fence. It is almost done and looks so good!

13. Pastor Ted played a joke on us today. And, we totally fell for it…all of us…hook, line, and sinker!

14. The joke ended with all of us partaking in ice cream together.

15. The joke broke the stigma of a 4:30 meeting.

16. We had homemade vegetable soup for dinner. It was yummy and healthy.

17. Judah wants to sit on my lap even at the dinner table. He is my little “hip attachment” especially when I have been away from him all day.

18. We eat dinner together as a family.

19. We carved Judah’s first pumpkin tonight. It was fun. He was so proud of his happy pumpkin.

20. Gary cut his finger on the carving knife. After a while, it stopped bleeding and he is okay. I am so glad that he isn’t squeemish with blood. I had to walk away!

21. Judah had an absolute blast tonight with a whoopi cushion. He calls it his “tooter.”

22. Judah throws his head back now when he is laughing. I love hearing him laugh.

23. Judah had his first “real” bike crash tonight. But, he only suffered a few scratches and cried for just a moment.

24. When Gary saw the crash happen, he dropped his coffee into the grass and took off running after Judah. He is so gentle and caring with everyone.

25. I watched the scenario unfold from a distance and then later replayed it in my head. It was a perfect example of our Heavenly Fathers response to us when we fall down and get hurt. He is close to the broken-hearted and He comes to our rescue with a gentle hand and lots of love and care.

26. Compassionate people.

27. Gentleness.


Sunday, October 20

My 27 Thanks:

1. I had very little to haul into church this morning. It is sometimes really nice to not have too many props for my illustration. I especially enjoy this when Gary is not with me to help.

2. Judah listens to me when we are in the parking lot. I am so glad that he obeys right away, especially when his safety is at risk.

3. For every service, I am greeted by the sweetest of people at the Welcome Doors. I love friendly faces.

4. We had a great, smooth Sunday. And, we continue to grow.

5.  Attendance was high for Vision Sunday.

6. Generations Initiative launched. I am super excited for the future of Crossroads Church.

7. A family visiting from out-of-state pulled me aside after service and told me how much their kids LOVED our kids service and couldn’t wait to take back some of the ideas to use for their kids church.

8. Excited kids.

9. Crossroads Kidz Ministry is built on 4 core values: Safety/Security, Excellence, Passion, and Kindness. Every service, I am joined by a team of leaders who represent these 4 cores well.

10. I handed out another application to get involved in Kidmin!

11. The Kidmo kids loved the video on Jonah that I showed them…there was a ton of laughter in the room.

12. Even though Jonah ran from God, he was able to repent and run back to God!

13. The possibility of being swallowed by a whale is almost non-existent for me.

14. Our Sweet Life series is proven to be a huge success. The kids are soaking it in and loving it.

15. Its only week 3 and they all have the power verse memorized.

16. Mr. Bob made it to kidmo. I thought he was going to be gone as well, but he came home early to help out. I am so thankful. He is an awesome 5th grade small group leader and without him, we would have had one very large, small group.

17. My in-laws helped me with Judah once again. It is really nice to have a home to take Judah to when I have to work 12 hour days.

18. Christmas Production practice went really well. The dancers learned part 1 of a big medley piece. It is such a fun number.

19. I am getting to work with a new choreographer this year. Meagan has done a great job and I am so glad she said, “Yes.”

20. Michael and Mike are working so hard on the silent clown sketches.

21. October is Pastor Appreciation month. The pastoral staff was appreciated tonight at Crossroads Church.

22. Pastor Ted and Tami always tell us how much they appreciate us.

23. Not only did they show appreciation to me, but they also bought Judah a really cute goodie bag of toys.

24. This was my last Sunday for a REALLY LONG time that I have to do ministry without Gary. He is my favorite ministry partner and it is just easier when he is by my side.

25. Pastor Marc helped me adjust a video for my Kids ministry service. He is a multi-faceted talent and I am glad he is on my team.

26. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

27. The Word of God is powerful…it can change your life.

Selah~Day 158

Saturday, October 19

My 27 Thanks:

1. Slow, restful morning with my family all together. We rarely have back to back days off together during the weekends.

2. Judah+Me+Recliner+Cartoons=Bliss.

3. Judah loves to sit on my lap.

4. He still wants to spend time with me.

5. I truly believe that Moms have a very special relationship with their sons. I am so glad I get to experience this.

6. Gary and I helped out my mom by making a special trip to Wal-Mart for items that she left there the day before.

7. TG Farms is such a fun, sweet place to go as a family.

8. Judah had a great time picking out pumpkins.

9. The young lady at TG Farms took our family picture by the pumpkin patch. Judah smiled!

10. We threw a surprise 65th birthday party for my sweet Father-in-law.

11. He was surprised. Shocked actually!

12. My Father-in-Law is loved. People from his work, church, family, and neighborhood all joined together to celebrate him.

13. We had an awesome campfire.

14. The day made my Father-in-Law feel special. Everyone should feel special on their special day.

15. My Sister-in-Law worked really hard on the party and it turned out great.

16. I learned some funny pieces of information at the party. For example, do you know what the phrase “The rabbit is dead” used to be used for? Yep, that’s right…it is the phrase that was once used to tell a woman that she was pregnant.

17. We were able to show some friends our home. They loved it.

18. Our friends who lost their home in the May 20th tornado had a house-warming party to turn their new house back into a home. I am so excited for them.

19. I studied my kidmo lesson earlier in the day, so I had a relaxing evening.

20. One of my favorite Christian authors turned one of her books into a Hallmark movie! I may have a slight problem with Hallmark movies.

21. Teachers are so important in the life of a child. I am thankful for teachers.

22. Judah had a blast playing with his cousins today. Cousins+dirt piles= fun times.

23. Judah fell asleep fast and is going to get great rest!

24. Gary balanced our check book. I am so glad he handles our finances.

25. Beautiful weather.

26. The moon was amazing tonight. Judah has an eye for the sky like his daddy. I am sure we are going to spend many nights looking through the telescope.

27. Today, I learned a very valuable lesson about the importance of not causing anyone else to stumble. I wasn’t a part of either party, but I watched something unfold and it broke my heart. It made me realize how important it is as Christian to never compromise our Godly values because you never know who will be affected by them.